Friday, February 12, 2016

Pros and Cons of Stone Temple Pilots Picking Me

My WIP remains in the hands of beta readers so with no literary progress to report, I thought I’d subject you to yet more Stone Temple Pilots ramblings. Last weekend I wrote about the band’s search for a new lead singer and mentioned that as unlikely a candidate as I might be, I fully intended to throw my rock and roll hat into the ring. With such an easy audition method (found here) and given how big a fan I am of the band, it seemed like too sweet an opportunity to pass up. Wednesday night I submitted three songs. According to some recent interviews, Dean and Robert DeLeo plan to personally listen to every audition. So even if I suck, two of my favorite musicians are going to hear me sing their songs. This is definitely cool.

Now, since I know I have some stiff competition, I thought I’d list some Pros and Cons for Stone Temple Pilots picking me. Every little bit of persuasion helps, right?

Con: Yes, I take drugs every night.
Pro: It’s only blood pressure medication.

Con: I have no practical experience whatsoever.
Pro: Without 20+ years of abuse, I can still hit those high notes. (I’m looking at you, Diamond Dave)

Con: I don’t have even a single tattoo.
Pro: Plenty of tattoo parlors all over town.

Con: I’m a little long in the tooth to be fronting my first real band.
Pro: I’m still younger than anyone else in Stone Temple Pilots.

Con: No one can ever replace Scott Weiland.
Pro: Chester Bennington already proved that point.

So there you go. It’s up to Dean, Robert, and Eric now. You know how to reach me guys!


  1. Can you send me a copyright of you singing? Please.

    1. I removed the duplicate comment but I might post something on YouTube just for grins!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
